The plate bell is by far the most powerful of the seven treasures.The pure, intense sound originates from tuning the plates to two frequencies an exact octave apart.Manufactured from bronze, hammered, fired and polished (premium) and brass with fine polish (bass). Especially suited for energetic cleansing of spaces and to play along with gongs. Its extraordinary resonance and vibrancy make it a must-have tool for musicians, sound healers, and meditation practitioners alike, ushering in maximum purifying energy with its remarkable sound depths. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail and precision, each piece meets highest quality standards and provides the ultimate sonic experience.
Keynote: 145 Hz
Overtone: 289 Hz
Weight: 24.9 lbs
In astrology, Mars is associated with a range of characteristics - from dynamic action to lasciviousness, confidence to belligerence - yet there is much more to the ruddy planet than these characteristic traits; while the ancient Greek god Ares embodied violence and savagery, the Roman Marian embodiment was quite the contrary, exuding an air of grandeur and refinement.