Spirits of the Andes produced incense to activate the memory of the past, music to identify our origin, handicrafts to get close to a vibrant culture and travel to interact with nature and its people.
Spirits of the Andes is a workshop dedicated to the appreciation of nature and culture; expressing it through our work in the different activities that we carry out. Spirits of the Andes produced incense to activate the memory of the past, music to identify our origin, handicrafts to get close to a vibrant culture and travel to interact with nature and its people.
These traditionally produced incensed have the ability to the burned in small pieces by breaking off individual sections of the incense.
Available in 5 Variants. Each pack has 6 five inch sticks
- Pure Palo Santo
- Palo Santo, Wiracoa, and Rosemary
- Palo Santo, Wiracoa, and Copal
- Palo Santo, Wiracoa, and Pine
- Palo Santo, Wiracoa, and Myrrh
Palo Santo- It is the trees trunk oil that grows in the Peru. It was used by the pre-Hispanic cultures, in rituals of harmonization with the natural elements. Its use extends to the present. It is considered a tree with medicinal qualities. It is used in daily form by the settlers in their spiritual activities; linked to the work of labour, to attract luck, cleaning up the environment, attracting the change and improving the State's mood.
Wiracoa - Plant of Andean origin, grows in offshore areas, more than 3,800 meters. Oily plant, is used as incense and inhaler for bronchial problems. Due to their strong aroma, are sahuma in the spaces, to lighten and clean energy from the environment. Used to preserve the presence of the fire.
Copal - It is a resin that is extracted by exudation of copal plants. Its origin is American and was used as incense by the Andean people of antiquity during the rituals that were held in the sanctuaries. It is one of the most commonly used resins currently in South America. Highly appreciated the work of magic. Protection strengths - strengthens the meditation - clarifies the space.
Rosemary - Symbol of remembrance, Rosemary is a Mediterranean shrub used to purify the atmosphere of the rooms of the patients. Improve memory - aid digestion - clarifies the space.
Pine - The resin that is obtained of the pines is an excellent substance to scent and to clear energy of persons and ambiences.
Fortitude - Relaxation - Clarifies the space.
Myrrh - Is a gomorresina aromatic composed of Goma, resin and the essential oil mirrol, who is the one who brings the characteristic aroma. Is widely used for the elaboration of incense, perfumes and ointments. In addition to its uses magical, is widely used as a stimulant, tonic and antiseptic mouth. Promotes meditation - clarifies the space.