Indulge in the enchanting world of Platonic Year Sterntaler, where the name itself alludes to the Brothers Grimm fairy tale of a destitute girl bestowed with celestial coins. Experience the luxury of "star-dollars" or "star-taler", referencing the German currency and capturing the essence of the story.
Includes pouch.
The Platonic Year, or the Great Year, is a timeless cycle where celestial bodies align in a previous configuration. In astrology, the Great Year consists of 12 astrological ages, corresponding to the 12 zodiac signs. According to Plato, this cycle occurs every 36,000 years as the Sun, Moon, and planets return to their current positions. During an astrological age, it is believed that events are influenced by the zodiac sign associated with that age. Additionally, the Earth's axis progresses through a 26,000-year precession, a gradual wobbling caused by the Sun and Moon's gravitational pull on the Earth's equatorial bulge.