Who Do You Hear: Part 5 (Final)

Who Do You Hear: Part 5 (Final)

     The past four articles have been a simple explanation of the aspects of the self that contribute to the sounds of the world and how the individual relates to them. In this, our inner dialogue is subject to the make-up of the entirety of our being. We can begin to look at the inner voice and dialogue within us, and in this…we can ask the question, who do you hear?

Our inner being is interesting, for within the mind we do not have eyes…yet we can see. We have an inner dialogue without a mouth, yet we can also hear without ears.

For me, I have saved the most interesting for last. The who. It is not the voice within my mind that I am intrigued about, but the voices that speak through the inner dialogue. In so much, the formulation of the inner dialogue is a reflection of the subconscious and unconscious aspects of our being. These are aspects of the self which are formulated prior to what we normally perceive to be our composite memory bank. It is the baseline subconscious parts of the self which have been created from our childhood. As parents, we do not strive to make our children like us, but all we can do is show them how we live. If a child walks through life knowing they are loved, then all pieces will fall into place.

But yet, many other parts of life seep in and we as adults must use discernment as to the influence of inner dialogue we are witnessing. Family plays a huge role in this. I do not mean this as blood, but rather who you were raised around and how one comes to be the person they are. Family is beyond blood, it is soul. It is the language we use, but also the emotion and feeling we use. It refers to how we speak to ourselves and to others, for the mirror mind for children brings about the way children will be when they get older. Unless living a conscious life, caretakers will parent in the nature of their own upbringing. This is why being a parent can be such a powerful thing.

One does not raise a child to be like them. We raise children to have a better life than we have, to give them opportunities to explore the wandering nature of childhood. We lead by example, and the example is that as adults we can choose happiness at any moment. Within this, knowing you are loved and that happiness is a perspective then one may know life as a wonderful ride.

Sound healing is not only about the sounds which can bring about well-being to our minds and bodies but also to bear witness to sounds deep within us. Pain is sound, yet how we react to it is our practice in motion. We listen to our inner being and must distinguish what is learned and what is lived. Wisdom does not discriminate, it is something only time and attention can give. As we age, we sometimes see the voice of our mother or father come through both in our minds and from our mouths. Those formative years are vital to a sound mind. We then begin to carry these parts of ourselves through life, and they are waiting for us when we arrive at an age where consciousness and understanding bring you upon a life as both a child and a parent. At which point the parental figure comes out of us, and thus in age we become more like our parents. I do understand familial structure is diverse, thus the term parent can intermix with one’s own life.

In this subject, who is referring to the parts of one’s past which dictate thought and speech? The inner dialogue comes from the self, but yet does not sound like the self. It is its own voice. That voice is a collection of people, experiences, traumas, and life in general. Wisdom is the voice we should have in our mind. For wisdom is the learned behavior and ideas from the spectrum of experience without any influence aside from perspective. One does not act upon aspects of life which they know longer feel support them or the world they wish to live within.

Another aspect of this topic is a little more practical. The people and communities we surround ourselves with dictate the sounds we allow to enter our body along with the feelings and emotions which come with those individuals and groups. The old adage misery loves company is a great example. We tend to surround ourselves with people who are not like-minded but rather match or complement the energies we are putting into the world. We do this by way of being in physical spaces with those but also a life online often has a more complicated scenario. For that is the broadcast of the individual and the co-mingling of the person they wish the world to see, but it is nothing more than smoke and mirrors for we do not have the capacity to see who people really are online.

So, we learn to mitigate what we bring into ourselves. Personally, I have lost touch with friends over the years because of reasons like this. I hold no ill will and would be joyous of coming together, yet both my friends and I have moved into different places in our lives which brought distance with our bond. Some of the hardest decisions we make in life are that when time has followed. Our frequencies no longer resonate; thus the match is no longer sound.

The last interesting point about this requires a sense of self awareness that is quite important. We can say that certain people evoke something from us, and in truth…these are elements of there self we need to look at. But this does not always mean resolve is found within an amicable solution. Dissonance is a human attribute of the social construct. Time is not a strong enough element to bring harmony, only love is. So we look at the self and what people bring out of us, yet we must find discernment within the truth whereby reconciliation is not for the growth of the people involved. There is a time and place for things to end.

 Sound is everything for me. This article is a practice of self-inquiry as it is my experience within the world. Sound brings light to darkness and understanding where there is confusion. It alone answers the greatest questions in life for and truly brings me into harmony, understanding, God, and consciousness. When we are conscious (not controlling) of the sounds and energies we surround ourselves with we become more sensitive to that which creates disharmony. So then, we make changes and find ourselves closer to the self each day we make decisions that in short are hard but give great joy and bliss in time. This begs to answer for the self, does whom and what you surround yourself with bring the greatest version of yourself into the world? Change brings pain, and only in disharmony do you find that which is harmonious. Remember, melody is the jewel in the sea of noise.

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